Saturday, September 18, 2010

Additional Thoughts


*Do the work
*Read about other millionaires/billionaires
*Never Quit
*Think Big
*Obtain mentorship
*Build Teams
*Are great leaders
*Are always on the Grow!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Making of a Millionaire

In my research since the age of 19, I'm 33 now I have always been fascinated with the making of a millionaire. As I compiled my listing please feel free to add to it. Listed are millionaire habits as I think from God's point of view. Being a millionaire/wealthy has so much to do with a mindset than your networth. Your mindset will determine your networth!

1. Millionaires focus on God's will for their lives.
2. Millionaires value their families and friends.
3. Millionaires live simply.
4. Millionaires live on a budget.
5. Millionaires concentate on "need" not "wants".
6. Millionaire live with the "cash is king" principle.
7. Millionaires chase their purpose not money!
8. Millionaires invest.
9. Millionares leave an inheritence to their children's children.
10. Millionaires value their time, talents and energy.
11. Millionaires save for emergencies and their life plans.
12. Millionaires are content.
13. Millionaires pay cash for their vehicles.
14. Millionaires teach good money habits to their children.
15. Millionaires build businesses.
16. Millionaires are patient.
17. Millionaires are always on a new search for knowledge and wisdom.
18. Millionaires are disciplined and diligent.
19. Millionaires are courageous.
20. Millionaires are generous.
21. Millionaires prepare and plan for their ventures.
22. Millionaires do what they enjoy.
23. Millionaires set boundaries.
24. Millionaires are frugal.
25. Millionaires create cash flow with businesses.
26. Millionaires research, study and read often.
27. Millionaire prepare for the future.
28. Millionaires are calculating.
29. Millionaires are productive.
30. Millionaires have a lion and eagle spirit.
31. Millionaire value their wealth.
32. Millionaires value their energy and use time wisely.
33. Millionaries are always on the grow.
34. Millionaires are not lazy or idle.
35. Millionaires use their gifts to bless others.
36. Millionaires are always generous.
37. Millionaires are humble.
38. Millioinaires are confident, bold and cocky.
39. Millionaires always see "solutions" not "problems".
40. Millionaires leave an inheritence for their children's children.
42. Millionaires read and educate themselves constantly.
43. Millionaires act on what they have learned.
44. Millionaires understand the power of listening.
45. Millionaires use their power given from GOD to create.
46. Millionaires understand that they shall never be poor.
47. Millionaires think BIG.
48. Millionaires think POSSIBILITY.
49. Millionaires are always on the GROW.
50. Millionaires understand the definition of true "SUCCESS".
51. Millionaires seek knowledge to become wise.
52. Millionaires are investors (investors in time, energy and worthy matters).
53. Millionaires invest in stocks using DRIP's.
54. Millionaires do not entertain their fears.
55. Millionaires always have the future in mind.